Bringing the Contractor's Perspective to the Owner's Side of the Table
SINCE 2007
Unit AA 48" Raw Water Pipeline (Phase 1 & 2)
Valley CM provide full CM and Inspection (including welding) for 16,000 LF of 48” steel pipe with polyurethane coating installed via open trench through 2-lane narrow roads, environmentally sensitive land inside only a 20’ wide easement and 300LF installed through a drill and blast rock tunnel underneath Escondido Creek. This pipeline is the first pipeline in San Diego County to utilize polyurethane as an alternative coating to cement mortar. Extensive public outreach was required during construction as the community-planning group was actively involved in the EIR and had a dedicated subcommittee acting a liaison with the District during construction. The pipeline required connections at each end to the San Diego County Water Authority Pipeline 5 and Flow Control Facility OV-8. The Pipeline 5 connection required the installation of a 108” x 48” tee that had to be installed during a 10-day shutdown window. The Flow Control Facility OV-8 connection included the installation of 36” Plunger and Ball Valves as well as a venturi flow meter.