Bringing the Contractor's Perspective to the Owner's Side of the Table
SINCE 2007

City of El Centro Water Treatment Plant Expansion

Valley CM provided full construction management and inspection services for the $26 Million, 21 MGD Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project. This project consisted of the installation of a two new reinforced concrete clarifiers, a 30’ below grade reinforced concrete filter building with granular media filters and air scour backwash. There was extensive mechanical piping and remote operated valves, a new chemical building with alum, gaseous chlorine storage and metering pumps, a prefabricated metal building to house the VFD drives for 4-150hp vertical turbine pumps and to house a new chlorine chemical injection system. A new metal operations building was constructed and the existing 25 MG raw water storage ponds were divided and a new reinforced concrete outlet splitter structure was constructed. Over 5,000 linear feet of 8 through 60-inch diameter PVC and CMLC pipelines were installed. The planned instrumentation and control system was changed during construction to take advantage of more modern technologies. Over 7,000 cubic yards of concrete and 1,000,000 lbs of reinforcing steel were placed in temperatures as high as 115 degrees F. The plant was designed to recycle all excess system water back to the raw water storage ponds to eliminate waste.